Bodzsár, É.B., Susanne, C. (2006, Eds) Human Evolution: Facts and Factors. EAA Biennial Books, 4
Kordos, L.: The endocranial cast of Rudapithecus.
Turbon, D.: Behavioural inferences related (associated) to the earliest (emigrant) out of Africa (1.8 my).
Condemi, S.: 150 years of Neanderthal studies: old questions, new answers.
Maureille, B., Rougier, H.: The Neanderthal lineage: origin, evolution and extinction.
Hamilton, A.: Kinship and ontology: the success of Homo sapiens.
Bogin, B.: Childhood begets children: Human reproductive succes in life history perspective.
Tellier, A-M.: Earliest modern humans in Eurasia: Evidence from the Near East.
Pinhasi, R., Teschler-Nicola, M., Prossinger, H., Shaw, P.: Diachronic trend sin dental dimensions of late Pleistocene and early Holocene European and Near Eastern populations.
Gibert, M., Amory, S., Le Berre Semenov, M., Sevin, A., Alekseev, A.N., Keyser, C., Ludes, B., Crubezy, E. : Evolution of populations from oriental Siberia and the spatial Altai/Baikal complex using mtDNA haplogroup frequencies.
Grassivaro, P.: Tita, E., Viviani, F.: At the roots of female genital modifications (FGMO).
Roede, M., Verduin, F.: Female circumcision/female genital mutilation (FGM) and African attempts to stop the practice.
Susanne, C.: Human evolution: rationalism versus creationism.